  1. xml-xquery-sequences

XML XQuery Sequences

  • XQuery sequences are a powerful tool for manipulating and querying XML data.
  • A sequence is an ordered set of items, where each item can be a node, atomic value, variable, or function call.
  • In this tutorial, we will discuss the syntax, examples, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of XQuery sequences.


The basic syntax for creating a sequence is:

(item1, item2, ..., itemN)

Here, item1, item2, ..., itemN can be any valid XQuery expression that returns a single item, such as a node or an atomic value.


Let's consider an example XML document "books.xml":

    <title>XML Programming</title>
    <author>John Doe</author>
    <title>XQuery Programming</title>
    <author>Jane Smith</author>

To retrieve the sequence of book titles, we can use the following XQuery expression:


This returns a sequence of two items:

("XML Programming", "XQuery Programming")


The output of an XQuery sequence is a set of items, ordered from left to right. Each item can be a node, an atomic value, a variable, or a function call. The output can be further processed using various XQuery functions.


XQuery sequences can be used for a variety of purposes, such as filtering, sorting, and grouping XML data. Here are some ways to use XQuery sequences:

  • Filtering: We can filter items from a sequence using predicates, such as where, every, some, not-every, not-some, etc.

  • Sorting: We can sort items in a sequence using the order by clause, which arranges the items in ascending or descending order based on the specified criteria.

  • Grouping: We can group items in a sequence using the group by clause, which groups items into subsets based on a common key.

In addition, we can also combine two or more sequences using the concat function or the union operator.


XQuery sequences are a fundamental part of XQuery, and are used extensively in querying, transforming, and processing XML data. Here are some use cases for XQuery sequences:

  • Filtering: We can use sequences to filter XML data based on specific criteria, such as age, gender, location, etc.

  • Sorting: We can use sequences to sort XML data based on various attributes, such as name, date, time, etc.

  • Grouping: We can use sequences to group XML data based on specific criteria, such as department, project, client, etc.

  • Aggregation: We can use sequences to aggregate XML data based on specific functions, such as sum, average, max, min, etc.

Important Points

  • XQuery sequences are ordered sets of items, where each item can be a node, atomic value, variable, or function call.

  • Sequences can be processed using various XQuery functions, such as filtering, sorting, and grouping.

  • Sequences are a fundamental part of XQuery, and are used extensively in querying, transforming, and processing XML data.


XQuery sequences provide a powerful tool for manipulating and querying XML data. They enable us to organize and process XML data in an ordered and flexible manner, with a rich set of functions for filtering, sorting, and grouping. By understanding the syntax, examples, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of XQuery sequences, we can leverage their full capabilities to work effectively with XML data.

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