  1. xml-xquery-html-format

XML XQuery HTML Format

The XQuery HTML format is used to transform XML data into HTML.


The basic syntax for XQuery HTML format is as follows:

declare namespace output = "http://www.w3.org/2010/xslt-xquery-serialization";
declare option output:method "html";
declare option output:indent "yes";

for $row in $data//row


Consider an XML document containing data related to employees. The following XQuery code can be used to transform this XML data into an HTML table:

declare variable $data as document-node() external;

let $title := 'Employee Details'
let $heading := 'Employees'
for $row in $data//row


The output of the above XQuery code will be an HTML table containing the employee data.


The declare namespace statement specifies the namespace used for the output serialization. The declare option statements specify the output method and indentation to be used for the HTML output.

The HTML tags are used to define the structure of the HTML document. The title and heading tags are used to set the document title and heading respectively. The table tag is used to define an HTML table.

The for loop is used to iterate over the rows of the employee data. The let statement is used to define the title and heading of the HTML document. The curly braces are used to evaluate the XQuery expressions within the HTML tags.


The XQuery HTML format can be used to transform XML data into HTML for displaying the data on the web. It can be used to create custom reports, dashboards or any other web-based user interfaces.

Important Points

  • The HTML tags can be used within an XQuery expression by enclosing them within curly braces.
  • The XQuery HTML format can be used to create dynamic HTML content based on the data in an XML document.
  • The XQuery HTML format can be used in conjunction with XSLT stylesheets to transform XML data into a variety of output formats such as PDF, Excel, and CSV.


The XQuery HTML format is a powerful tool for transforming XML data into HTML for displaying data on the web. By combining XQuery with HTML, developers can create dynamic web-based user interfaces, reports, and dashboards.

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