  1. xml-xpath-boolean-operators

XML XPath Boolean Operators

  • XPath Boolean Operators are used for comparing two values or expressions in XPath.

  • There are mainly three Boolean operators used in XPath:

  • and

  • or

  • not


The syntax for using Boolean operators in XPath is given below:

expression1 operator expression2

Here, operator is one of the Boolean operators and, or, or not.


Let's consider an example of how XPath Boolean operators are used:

//bookstore/book[price>40 and author='J.K. Rowling']

In the above example, the XPath expression is selecting all the books which have a price greater than 40 and whose author is J.K. Rowling.


The output of the above example will be a list of all the books which fulfill the specified conditions.


The and operator in the above expression is used to combine two conditions, i.e., price of the book should be greater than 40 AND the author of the book should be J.K. Rowling.

Similarly, or operator is used to combine two or more conditions, where any of the conditions can be true for the expression to be true.

The not operator is used to negate a condition. For example, not(price>40) will be true if the price of the book is less than or equal to 40.


XPath Boolean operators are used to filter or select XML nodes based on conditions. They are commonly used in XPath expressions in XSLT transformations, XML parsers, and XPath evaluators.

Important Points

  • XPath Boolean operators are mainly used for comparing two conditions or values.
  • The and operator is used to combine two conditions and both conditions should be true for the expression to be true.
  • The or operator is used to combine two or more conditions and any of the conditions can be true for the expression to be true.
  • The not operator is used to negate a condition.


XPath Boolean operators are used for comparing two values or expressions in XPath. The and operator is used to combine two conditions where both conditions should be true for the expression to be true. The or operator is used to combine two or more conditions where any of the conditions can be true for the expression to be true. The not operator is used to negate a condition. XPath Boolean Operators are commonly used in XPath expressions in XSLT transformations, XML parsers, and XPath evaluators.

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