  1. xml-xpath-syntax

XPath Syntax

XPath is a syntax used to select elements and attributes on an XML document tree. It is a powerful language for navigating and manipulating the structure and content of XML documents. In this tutorial, you will learn the syntax of XPath and how to use it to extract data from XML documents.


XPath expressions are written in a path-like syntax, similar to file paths in file systems. An XPath expression consists of one or more steps, separated by a forward slash (/).


Each step can be one of the following:

  • A node name, such as element or attribute
  • A wildcard (*) to match any node
  • A predicate, enclosed in square brackets ([]), to filter nodes based on a condition

Here is an example of a simple XPath expression that selects all element nodes named book:



Consider the following XML document:

  <book isbn="978-0262510875">
    <title>Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs</title>
    <author>Harold Abelson</author>
    <author>Gerald Jay Sussman</author>
  <book isbn="978-0596007126">
    <title>Learning Python</title>
    <author>Mark Lutz</author>

To select all the book elements, the XPath expression would be:


This would select both book elements in the library.


The output of an XPath expression is a set of nodes that match the expression. The output can be a single node or a set of nodes, depending on the expression and the XML document being queried.


XPath is used to select nodes in an XML document tree. Therefore, the syntax of XPath is designed to be similar to the structure of the document tree itself. Each step in an XPath expression represents a node in the tree, and the forward slash (/) acts as a delimiter between the steps.

XPath can be used to select nodes based on their name, their position in the document, or their attributes. XPath also allows for complex queries by combining multiple steps and predicates.


XPath is commonly used in programming languages that work with XML documents, such as XSLT and XML parsers. XPath allows programmers to easily extract data from an XML document and process it in various ways.

Important Points

  • XPath is a syntax used to select elements and attributes on an XML document tree.
  • XPath expressions are written in a path-like syntax, consisting of steps separated by a forward slash (/).
  • Each step can be a node name, a wildcard (*), or a predicate enclosed in square brackets ([]).
  • The output of an XPath expression is a set of nodes that match the expression.


XPath is a powerful tool for navigating and manipulating XML documents. Its syntax is designed to resemble the structure of the document tree, and it can be used to select nodes based on their name, position, or attributes. XPath is commonly used in programming languages that work with XML documents, and allows developers to easily extract data from an XML document and process it in various ways.

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