  1. xml-dtd


  • DTD stands for Document Type Definition, it is a markup language used to define the elements, attributes, and document structure of an XML document.
  • A DTD document helps to validate the structure and content of an XML document to ensure that it meets certain rules and guidelines.


The syntax for creating a DTD is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE root_element [
   <!-- DTD Declarations -->


<!DOCTYPE customers [
   <!ELEMENT customers (customer+)>
   <!ELEMENT customer (name, email, phone)>
   <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
   <!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA)>
   <!ELEMENT phone (#PCDATA)>


  • <!DOCTYPE> - The Document Type Declaration starts the DTD section of the document.
  • root_element - The name of the root element of the XML document.
  • [] - The square brackets contain the declarations for the DTD.
  • <!ELEMENT> - Defines a new element in the XML document.
  • ( ) - Parentheses define the content model of an element.
  • + - Indicates that there can be one or more occurrences of the element.
  • #PCDATA - Defines the content of an element as text only.


DTDs can be used to validate the structure and content of an XML document before it is processed by a web application, database or other system. It ensures that the XML document is valid and meets certain guidelines and standards.

Important Points

  • DTDs are written in plain text and are generally easier to create and modify than other XML schema languages.
  • DTDs are less powerful and expressive than other schema languages like XSD.
  • DTDs can validate only the structure and content of an XML document, and not the data types of the elements and attributes.


DTD is a markup language used to define the structure of an XML document. It is used to validate the structure and content of an XML document before it is processed by a system. DTDs are written in plain text, and are generally easier to create and modify than other schema languages. However, they are less powerful than other schema languages like XSD.

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