  1. xml-xsl-key

XML xsl:choose

The xsl:choose element in XML is used for conditional processing within XSLT stylesheets.


    <xsl:when test="condition">
        <!-- Actions to perform when the condition is true -->
        <!-- Actions to perform when the condition is false -->


Consider a simple XML transformation using xsl:choose:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:template match="/">
                    <xsl:when test="condition">
                        <!-- Output when condition is true -->
                        <!-- Output when condition is false -->


The output of the transformation will vary based on the conditions specified in the xsl:choose block.


The xsl:choose element allows for multiple conditional checks (xsl:when) within an XSLT stylesheet. It evaluates each condition sequentially and executes the block associated with the first true condition. If no condition is true, it executes the xsl:otherwise block.


  • Use xsl:choose when you need to apply different transformations or actions based on different conditions in your XML document.
  • It's beneficial when you want to handle various cases or scenarios while transforming XML data.

Important Points

  • xsl:choose must contain at least one xsl:when.
  • Multiple xsl:when blocks can be used within a single xsl:choose.
  • The xsl:otherwise block is optional but serves as a default action when no conditions are met.


The xsl:choose element in XML is instrumental for conditional processing in XSLT. It allows for the execution of different actions based on specified conditions, providing a way to handle diverse scenarios while transforming XML data.

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