  1. xml-xquery-first-example

XML XQuery First Example


The basic syntax of an XQuery program is as follows:

xquery version "3.1";

(: declare namespace declaration(s) :)

(: declare variable declaration(s) :)

(: main query :)

(: function declaration(s) :)


Here is a simple example of an XQuery program that retrieves all of the book titles from an XML file:

xquery version "3.1";

(: declare the namespace for the XML file :)
declare namespace bookstore = "http://example.com/bookstore";

(: main query to retrieve all book titles :)
for $x in /bookstore:bookstore/bookstore:book
return $x/bookstore:title


The output of the above example will be a list of all book titles in the XML file:

XML and Java - Developing Web Applications
XML Pocket Reference


  • The xquery version "3.1"; statement declares the XQuery version being used in the program.
  • The declare namespace statement declares the namespace of the XML file being used in the program.
  • The for $x in /bookstore:bookstore/bookstore:book statement is the main query that retrieves all book titles from the XML file.
  • The return $x/bookstore:title statement returns the book title from each book element.


It can be modified to retrieve different elements or attributes of the XML file based on specific requirements.

Important Points

  • XQuery is used to query and retrieve data from XML and JSON files.
  • The XQuery program must declare the XQuery version being used.
  • The XQuery program must declare the namespace of the XML or JSON file being queried.
  • The main query is used to retrieve specific data from the XML or JSON file.


This tutorial covered the basic syntax of an XQuery program and provided a simple example of how to retrieve specific data from an XML file using XQuery. It also explained the importance of declaring the XQuery version and namespace in the program.

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