  1. magento-2-tax-rates

Tax Rates

Tax rates play an important role in e-commerce websites where the final price of the product includes taxes. In Magento 2, tax rates can be configured for different regions and countries.


There is no specific syntax for configuring tax rates in Magento 2. Tax rates can be set up and managed through the Magento Admin panel.


Consider the following example where the tax rate for California in the United States is set up in Magento 2:

  1. Log in to the Magento Admin panel.
  2. Go to Stores > Tax.
  3. Click on Tax Zones and Rates.
  4. Click on Add New Tax Rate.
  5. In the Zip/Post Code field, enter the zip code for California.
  6. In the Country field, select "United States".
  7. In the State field, select "California".
  8. In the Rate Percent field, enter the tax rate percentage for California.
  9. Click on Save Rate.


In the example above, a tax rate is set up for California in the United States. The tax rate percentage is configured and saved in Magento 2.


Tax rates are used to calculate the final price of a product in Magento 2. When a customer makes a purchase, the tax rate for their location is applied to the product price and added to the total price of the order.

Important Points

  • Tax rates can be set up for different regions and countries in Magento 2.
  • Tax rates are used to calculate the final price of a product in e-commerce websites.
  • The final price of a product in Magento 2 includes taxes.


Tax rates are a crucial part of e-commerce websites where the final price of a product includes taxes. In Magento 2, tax rates can be configured for different regions and countries through the Magento Admin panel. When a customer makes a purchase, the tax rate for their location is applied to the product price and added to the total price of the order.

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