  1. magento-2-set-up-zero-subtotal-checkout-payment-method

Set up Zero Subtotal Checkout Payment Method

Zero Subtotal Checkout is a popular payment method in Magento 2 that allows customers to complete an order without any payment, for example, when they use a gift card or store credit to make a purchase. In this tutorial, we will walk through the steps to set up the Zero Subtotal Checkout payment method in Magento 2.


Before configuring Zero Subtotal Checkout, make sure that:

  • You have access to your Magento 2 store as an administrator.
  • You have the necessary permissions to configure payment methods.

Steps to Set Up Zero Subtotal Checkout Payment Method

  1. Log in to your Magento 2 store as an administrator.

  2. Go to Stores > Configuration in the main menu.

  3. Under Sales, select Payment Methods.

  4. Scroll down to Zero Subtotal Checkout and click Configure.

  5. Set Enabled to Yes.

  6. In the Title field, enter a descriptive name for the payment method, such as "Zero Subtotal Checkout."

  7. In the New Order Status field, select the order status that should be assigned to orders completed with the Zero Subtotal Checkout payment method, such as "Processing."

  8. In the Payment from Applicable Countries field, select the countries where the Zero Subtotal Checkout payment method should be available.

  9. In the Instructions field, enter any instructions or information that should be displayed to customers during checkout.

  10. Click Save Config to apply the changes.

Important Points

  • Zero Subtotal Checkout is a payment method that allows customers to complete an order without any payment.
  • Zero Subtotal Checkout should only be used for orders where the customer is paying with a gift card, store credit, or other non-monetary payment method.
  • Zero Subtotal Checkout should not be used if the customer needs to pay for the order at a later time, or if the customer has a partial payment due.


Setting up the Zero Subtotal Checkout payment method in Magento 2 is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you will be able to offer your customers a convenient payment option for orders that do not require a monetary payment.

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