  1. magento-2-set-up-authorizenet-method

Set up method

The payment gateway integration is a popular choice for online stores looking to provide their customers with a secure and reliable payment option. In this tutorial, we will cover the steps required to set up the payment method in Magento 2.


Before we get started, ensure that you have:

  • An active account
  • Magento 2 installed and configured on your server
  • Administrative access to your Magento 2 store


Follow the steps below to set up the payment method in Magento 2:

  1. Log in to your Magento 2 administrative panel and navigate to the Stores menu.

  2. From the Stores menu, select Configuration.

  3. Under the Sales tab, select Payment Methods.

  4. Scroll down to the Direct Post section and expand it.

  5. Configure the following settings:

    • Enabled: Set this to Yes to enable the payment method.
    • Title: Enter a title that will be displayed at checkout.
    • Login ID: Enter the login ID for your account.
    • Transaction Key: Enter the transaction key for your account.
    • Test Mode: Set this to Yes if you wish to test the payment method without actually processing transactions.
    • Payment Action: This setting determines when payments will be authorized and captured. Choose between Authorize and Authorize and Capture depending on your needs.
  6. Expand the Advanced Settings section and configure the following:

    • Debug: If you wish to enable debug logging, set this to Yes.
    • Email Customer: If you wish to send an email to the customer after the transaction is complete, set this to Yes.
    • Invoice Prefix: Enter a prefix to use for invoices generated by the payment method.
    • New Order Status: Set the status of new orders placed using this payment method.
  7. Once you have configured all the settings, click the Save Config button to apply the changes.


To verify that the payment method is working correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Magento 2 store as a customer and add a product to your cart.

  2. Proceed to checkout and select the payment method.

  3. Enter your payment information and click the Place Order button.

  4. If everything is configured correctly, the payment should be processed, and the order should be marked as complete.

Important Points

  • The payment gateway integration is an essential step in setting up an online store.
  • Ensure that you have an active account before attempting to set up the payment gateway integration.
  • Magento 2 offers a user-friendly interface to set up payment gateway integration with
  • Always test the integration using the test mode before going live.


In this tutorial, we covered the steps required to set up the payment method in Magento 2. We discussed the prerequisites, the configuration steps, and how to verify that the payment method is working correctly. It is essential to ensure that all the settings have been correctly configured before making the payment method available to your customers to avoid any issues with transactions.

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