  1. magento-2-create-product

Create Product

Creating a product in Magento 2 is an important step in setting up your online store. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a product in Magento 2.


There is no specific syntax for creating a product in Magento 2. Product creation involves filling out various fields in the product creation form provided by Magento 2.


To create a simple product in Magento 2, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Magento 2 admin panel
  2. Navigate to Catalog > Products
  3. Click on the Add Product button
  4. Select Simple Product and click on the Continue button
  5. Fill out all the required fields, such as product name, SKU, product price, and product description
  6. Once you have filled out all the required fields, click on the Save button
  7. Your product is now created and can be viewed in your store.


The above example demonstrates how to create a simple product in Magento 2. There are various types of products in Magento 2, such as configurable products, grouped products, bundle products, and virtual products. The product creation process may vary slightly for each type of product.


Creating a product is a crucial part of setting up an e-commerce store in Magento 2. A product must be created before it can be added to a category and displayed in the front-end of the store. Products can be created in bulk using data transfer files or individually using the product creation form.

Important Points

  • Products must be created before they can be added to a category and displayed in the front-end of the store
  • The product creation process may vary slightly for different types of products
  • Products can be created in bulk using data transfer files


Creating a product is an important step in setting up an online store in Magento 2. Products can be created individually using the product creation form or in bulk using data transfer files. It is important to fill out all the required fields when creating a product, such as product name, SKU, product price, and product description. Once a product is created, it can be added to a category and displayed in the front-end of the store.

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