  1. magento-2-setup-tax

Setup Tax in Magento 2 Store

Configuring tax settings is an important part of setting up your Magento 2 store. In this tutorial, we will cover the steps involved in setting up tax in Magento 2 store.

Steps to Setup Tax in Magento 2 Store

Follow the below steps to set up tax for your Magento 2 store:

  1. Open your Magento 2 Admin Panel and navigate to Stores > Configuration.
  2. In the left navigation, select Sales > Tax.
  3. Under the Tax Classes section, configure the following options:
    • Set the Tax Class for Shipping option to the appropriate tax class.
    • Set the Tax Class for Gift Options option to the appropriate tax class.
  4. Under the Default Tax Destination Calculation section, configure the following options:
    • Set the Default Country option to the country where you are charging tax.
    • Set the Default State option to the state or region where you are charging tax.
    • Set the Default Post Code option to the postal code where you are charging tax.
  5. Under the Price Display Settings section, configure the following options:
    • Set the Display Product Prices In Catalog option to the appropriate tax setting.
    • Set the Display Shipping Prices option to the appropriate tax setting.
  6. Under the Shopping Cart Display Settings section, configure the following options:
    • Set the Display Prices option to the appropriate tax setting.
  7. Under the Orders, Invoices, Credit Memos Display Settings section, configure the following options:
    • Set the Display Prices option to the appropriate tax setting.
    • Set the Include Tax In Order Total option to the appropriate setting.
  8. Under the Fixed Product Taxes section, configure the following options:
    • If you want to charge fixed product tax, set the Enable FPT option to Yes.
    • Set the Display Prices option to the appropriate tax setting.
    • Set the Include Tax In Order Total option to the appropriate setting.
    • Set the appropriate tax class for each FPT product.
  9. Click on Save Config button to save the changes.


Magento 2 allows you to configure tax classes, tax rates, and tax rules to ensure that tax is calculated correctly for your store. You can configure tax classes for products, customers, and shipping. You can also set up tax rates for different regions and countries and apply them to specific tax rules.


Setting up tax in Magento 2 is an important step in setting up your store. By properly configuring tax settings, you can ensure that tax is calculated correctly and that your customers are charged the appropriate tax amount.

Important Points

  • Make sure you configure tax settings correctly to ensure that tax is calculated correctly.
  • Test your tax settings to ensure that it is working as intended.
  • Keep your tax settings up to date to account for changes in tax rates and laws.


Setting up tax in Magento 2 store involves configuring tax classes, tax rates, and tax rules. By properly configuring tax settings, you can ensure that tax is calculated correctly and that your customers are charged the appropriate amount. Test your tax settings to ensure that it is working as intended and keep your tax settings up to date to account for changes in tax rates and laws.

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