  1. magento-2-set-up-purchase-order-po-payment-method

Set up Purchase Order (PO) Payment Method in Magento 2

Magento 2 provides various payment methods to facilitate online transactions. One of the most common payment methods used in online business is purchase order (PO). Here, we will discuss how to set up the PO payment method in Magento 2.




Follow the below steps to set up PO as a payment method in Magento 2:

  1. Log in to the Magento 2 admin panel.
  2. Go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods.
  3. Expand the Purchase Order section.
  4. Set Enabled to Yes to enable this payment method.
  5. Enter the Title you want to display on the checkout page for this payment method. For instance, you can keep it as "Purchase Order".
  6. In the New Order Status field, select the status you want to set when an order is placed using the PO payment method.
  7. Enter additional instructions for the buyer in the Instructions field.
  8. Specify the Minimum Order Total and Maximum Order Total to which you want to limit the use of this payment method in the Order Total Limit section.
  9. In the Payment from Applicable Countries field, select the countries for which you want to allow this payment method.
  10. In the Payment from Specific Countries field, select the specific countries for which you want to allow this payment method, if any.
  11. Click Save Config to save the changes.

Your PO payment method is now set up in Magento 2.


The PO payment method will now be available as a payment option on the checkout page, as shown below:

PO payment method checkout


The PO payment method in Magento 2 enables customers to complete their transactions through purchase orders. By setting it up, you can give your customers another safe and trusted payment option.

In the above steps, we enabled the PO payment method, specified the title, order status, and instructions to be displayed to the customer, set the minimum and maximum order limits, and selected the applicable countries.


The PO payment method is widely used in the B2B business model, where customers can place orders using purchase orders. This payment method provides the flexibility of buying without paying upfront and paying later through PO, which is an essential financial instrument used in many businesses.

Important Points

  • The PO payment method is useful for B2B businesses where customers can place bulk orders using purchase orders.
  • Make sure to set the minimum and maximum order total limits to ensure the correct use of this payment method.
  • Verify that your payment from applicable countries and payment from specific countries are set correctly.
  • The implemented payment method must match your business and user requirements.


Setting up the PO payment method in Magento 2 provides a convenient payment option that allows customers to complete transactions through purchase orders. By utilizing this payment method, businesses can offer another payment option to their customers that can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

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