  1. magento-2-setup-newsletter

Setup Newsletter

Newsletters are a powerful way to reach out to your customers and keep them informed about your latest products and services. In Magento 2, setting up a newsletter is an easy process that can be done in just a few steps.


There is no specific syntax for setting up a newsletter in Magento 2.


To set up a newsletter in Magento 2, follow these simple steps:

  1. Login to your Magento 2 backend.
  2. Go to Stores > Configuration > Customers > Newsletter.
  3. In the Newsletter section, configure the following settings:
    • Need to Confirm: Set to Yes to require customers to confirm their subscription.
    • Success Email Template: Select the email template to be sent to customers when they subscribe successfully.
    • Unsubscription Email Template: Select the email template to be sent to customers when they unsubscribe.
    • Sender Email: Enter the email address from which newsletter emails will be sent.
  4. Click Save Config.


The above steps configure the necessary settings to enable newsletters in your Magento 2 store. Once these settings are configured, customers can subscribe to your newsletter by entering their email address in the appropriate field on the frontend of your store.


Newsletters can be used to keep customers informed about new products, upcoming sales, and other important information related to your business.

Important Points

  • Be sure to configure the sender email address so that your customers receive newsletters from a recognizable email address.
  • Taking a double opt-in approach is recommended, which means customers need to confirm their subscription before they start receiving newsletters. This ensures that you have their explicit consent to communicate with them via email.
  • To create and send newsletters, you can use a third-party email marketing service that integrates with Magento 2.


Setting up a newsletter in Magento 2 is an easy process that can be done in just a few steps. Configuring the necessary settings in the backend enables customers to subscribe to your newsletter from the frontend of your store. Newsletters can be a powerful way to keep customers informed and engaged with your business, and taking a double opt-in approach is recommended to ensure explicit consent from customers to receive emails from you.

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