  1. magento-2-setup-shipping-methods

Setup Shipping Methods

Shipping methods are an essential part of any e-commerce store. Magento 2 offers a variety of shipping methods that can be configured to meet the specific needs of your store. In this tutorial, we'll walk through the steps to setup shipping methods in Magento 2.


Before setting up shipping methods in Magento 2, you must have:

  • Access to the Magento 2 Admin panel
  • Shipping carrier account information (if applicable)

Steps to Setup Shipping Methods

Follow these steps to set up shipping methods in Magento 2:

  1. Log in to the Magento 2 Admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration from the main menu.
  3. In the left sidebar, click on Sales > Shipping Methods.
  4. Choose the shipping carrier you want to use from the list of available carriers.
  5. Configure the settings for the selected shipping carrier according to your requirements.
  6. Click on Save Config to save the changes.


Let's say you want to set up the UPS shipping method in your Magento 2 store. Here are the steps you would take:

  1. Log in to the Magento 2 Admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration from the main menu.
  3. In the left sidebar, click on Sales > Shipping Methods.
  4. Click on the UPS tab to select UPS as the shipping carrier.
  5. Configure the settings for UPS according to your requirements. For example, you can set the shipping origin, pickup method, allowed shipping methods, shipping rates, and other options.
  6. Click on Save Config to save the changes.


When you set up shipping methods in Magento 2, you are configuring the system to calculate shipping rates and display them to customers during checkout. The shipping methods available to you will depend on the shipping carriers you have available, as well as the specific options and settings you have configured for each carrier.


Setting up shipping methods in Magento 2 is crucial for any e-commerce store that offers physical products. By configuring shipping options and rates, you can provide your customers with accurate shipping information and ensure a smooth checkout process.

Important Points

  • Magento 2 offers a variety of shipping methods to choose from, including UPS, USPS, FedEx, and DHL.
  • You can configure the settings for each shipping carrier to meet your specific requirements.
  • When setting up shipping methods, you should consider factors such as shipping rates, shipping zones, and delivery times.
  • You should regularly review and update your shipping methods to ensure they are up-to-date and meeting the needs of your customers.


Setting up shipping methods in Magento 2 is important for any e-commerce store that offers physical products. By configuring shipping options and rates, you can provide customers with accurate shipping information and ensure a smooth checkout process. Magento 2 offers a variety of shipping carriers to choose from, and you can configure the settings for each carrier to meet your specific requirements. Remember to regularly review and update your shipping methods to ensure they are meeting the needs of your customers.

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