  1. db2-instances

Instances - (DB2 Tutorial)

An instance in DB2 is a running copy of the DB2 software that allows multiple databases to run on a single server. Instances are used to manage resources, such as memory and disk space, and to provide security and isolation between databases. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create and manage DB2 instances.


The syntax for creating a DB2 instance is as follows:

db2icrt instance_name -p port_no -u user_name

Here, instance_name is the name of the instance to be created, port_no is the port number that the instance will be listening on, and user_name is the username that will be used to start and stop the instance.


Let's create a new instance called myinstance with port number 50000 and user myuser:

db2icrt myinstance -p 50000 -u myuser


The output of creating a DB2 instance will depend on the specific database management system being used and the options selected during the instance creation process.


In the above example, we have created a DB2 instance called myinstance with port number 50000 and user myuser. The db2icrt command is used to create the instance and accepts various arguments, such as the instance name, port number, and user name. Once the instance has been created, the db2start command can be used to start the instance and make it available for use.


DB2 instances are used to manage and organize resources for multiple databases running on the same server. They provide isolation and security between databases and make it easier to manage resources, such as memory and disk space.

Important Points

  • DB2 instances are used to manage resources and provide security and isolation between multiple databases running on the same server.
  • The db2icrt command is used to create a new DB2 instance.
  • The db2start command can be used to start a DB2 instance.


In summary, instances in DB2 are used to manage resources and provide security and isolation between multiple databases running on the same server. The db2icrt command can be used to create a new DB2 instance, while the db2start command can be used to start an existing instance. Understanding instances is important for managing multiple databases on a single server and for ensuring that each database has the required resources to operate properly.

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