  1. db2-copy-to-another-database

Copy to Another Database - (DB2 RazorSQL Tool)

RazorSQL is a database management tool that allows users to connect to and interact with a variety of databases, including IBM DB2. One of the features of RazorSQL is the ability to copy data from one database to another using SQL commands.


The syntax for copying data from one DB2 database to another using RazorSQL is as follows:

INSERT INTO [database1].[schema].[table]
SELECT * FROM [database2].[schema].[table];

Here, [database1] and [database2] are the names of the source and destination databases, and [schema] and [table] are the names of the source and destination schema and table, respectively.


INSERT INTO sampledb1.public.customers
SELECT * FROM sampledb2.public.customers;

In this example, the data from the customers table in the sampledb2 database is copied to the customers table in the sampledb1 database.


The output of copying data from one DB2 database to another using RazorSQL is the successful transfer of data from the source to the destination database. If there are any errors or issues during the copying process, these will be displayed as error messages in the RazorSQL console.


To copy data from one DB2 database to another using RazorSQL, we use an INSERT INTO statement to insert data into a table in the destination database, and a SELECT statement to select data from a table in the source database. We combine these statements into a single SQL command, as shown in the example above.


Copying data from one DB2 database to another can be useful in several situations, such as migrating data from an old database to a new one, or syncing data between development and production databases. RazorSQL provides a simple and efficient way to copy data between DB2 databases using SQL commands.

Important Points

  • RazorSQL is a database management tool that allows users to interact with a variety of databases, including DB2.
  • To copy data from one DB2 database to another using RazorSQL, we use an INSERT INTO statement and a SELECT statement.
  • The SQL command used to copy data can vary depending on the specific databases and tables involved.


In summary, copying data from one DB2 database to another using RazorSQL is a simple and efficient way to migrate or sync data between databases. The SQL command used to copy data can vary depending on the specific databases and tables involved, but typically involves using an INSERT INTO statement and a SELECT statement. RazorSQL's database management features make it easy to perform this task.

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