  1. db2-drop-database

Drop Database - (DB2 Databases)

In DB2 databases, dropping a database permanently removes the database and all its associated objects from the system. This operation cannot be undone so it should be used with caution.


The syntax for dropping a database in DB2 is:

DROP DATABASE database_name

Here, database_name is the name of the database that you want to drop.


DROP DATABASE my_database;

In this example, we are dropping the database named my_database. Upon execution of this SQL statement, the my_database and all its associated objects will be permanently removed from the system.


The output of dropping a database in DB2 is the successful removal of the database and all its associated objects. If there are no errors, the output will be a message indicating that the operation was successful.


Dropping a database in DB2 removes the database and all its associated objects permanently from the system. This operation cannot be undone so it should be used with caution. Dropping a database is useful when there is no longer a need for the database, or when the database has become corrupted and cannot be repaired.


Dropping a database in DB2 is typically used when there is no longer a need for the database, or when the database has become corrupted and cannot be repaired. It is important to make sure that any critical data has been backed up before dropping a database, as this operation cannot be undone.

Important Points

  • Dropping a database in DB2 removes the database and all its associated objects permanently from the system.
  • This operation cannot be undone so it should be used with caution.
  • It is important to make sure that any critical data has been backed up before dropping a database.


In summary, dropping a database in DB2 permanently removes the database and all its associated objects from the system. This operation cannot be undone so it should be used with caution. It is important to make sure that any critical data has been backed up before dropping a database.

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