  1. db2-generate-sql

Generate SQL - (DB2 RazorSQL Tool)

RazorSQL is a SQL editor and database query tool that supports multiple databases, including DB2. One of the many features of RazorSQL is the ability to generate SQL statements for database objects such as tables, views, and indexes.


The syntax for generating SQL statements in RazorSQL will depend on the specific database object being used. However, in general, the syntax for generating SQL statements for a database object is as follows:

  1. Go to the Object Browser in RazorSQL.
  2. Find the database object you want to generate SQL for.
  3. Right-click on the database object and select "Generate SQL" from the context menu.
  4. In the "Generate SQL" dialog box, select the specific SQL statement you want to generate (e.g. CREATE, ALTER, SELECT) and customize the statement as needed.
  5. Click "Generate".


Suppose we have a table called "employees" in our DB2 database, and we want to generate a SQL statement to create the table. Here are the steps we would take in RazorSQL:

  1. Go to the Object Browser and find the "employees" table.
  2. Right-click on the "employees" table and select "Generate SQL -> CREATE".
  3. In the "CREATE Table" dialog box, we can customize the SQL statement by adding or removing columns, specifying data types, and adding constraints.
  4. Click "Generate" to generate the SQL statement.

The resulting SQL statement could look something like this:

CREATE TABLE employees (
  employee_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
  first_name VARCHAR(50),
  last_name VARCHAR(50),
  email VARCHAR(100),
  hire_date DATE,
  salary DECIMAL(8, 2)


The output of generating SQL in RazorSQL is a SQL statement. The specific SQL statement generated will depend on the database object being used and any customization or options selected in the "Generate SQL" dialog box.


Generating SQL statements for database objects is a useful feature for quickly and easily creating or modifying database objects without having to manually write SQL code. RazorSQL provides a simple interface for generating SQL statements for various database objects, including tables, views, indexes, and stored procedures.


Generating SQL statements in RazorSQL can save time and reduce errors when creating or modifying database objects. It can help users quickly generate SQL statements for various database objects, without having to manually write code and potentially introduce errors.

Important Points

  • DB2 RazorSQL tool provides a feature to generate SQL statements for database objects.
  • The specific SQL statement generated will depend on the database object being used and any customization or options selected.
  • Generating SQL statements can save time and reduce errors when creating or modifying database objects.


In summary, generating SQL statements in RazorSQL is a useful feature that can save time and reduce errors when creating or modifying database objects. By using the "Generate SQL" dialog box, users can quickly generate SQL statements for various database objects, including tables, views, indexes, and stored procedures. The resulting SQL statements can be customized as needed and are generated with minimal effort on the part of the user.

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