  1. db2-database-conversion

Database Conversion - (DB2 RazorSQL Tool)

Database conversion is the process of migrating data from one database system to another. The DB2 RazorSQL tool is a database management tool that includes features for database conversion, allowing users to perform data migrations from various database systems to DB2.


The syntax for database conversion using the DB2 RazorSQL tool will depend on the specific conversion being performed. The tool provides a wizard-like interface for database conversions, making the process easy and intuitive.


As an example, let's say we have a Microsoft SQL Server database that we want to migrate to IBM DB2. We can use the DB2 RazorSQL tool to perform the migration with the following steps:

  1. Open the DB2 RazorSQL tool and connect to our DB2 database.

  2. Click on the "Tools" menu and select "Database Conversion Wizard".

  3. In the "Source Database" section, select "Microsoft SQL Server" from the dropdown list and enter the connection details for our SQL Server database.

  4. In the "Target Database" section, select "IBM DB2" from the dropdown list and enter the connection details for our DB2 database.

  5. Select the tables, views, and other objects that we want to migrate to DB2.

  6. Choose any additional options, such as specifying how columns should be mapped between the source and target databases.

  7. Review the migration summary and click "Finish" to start the migration.


The output of database conversion using the DB2 RazorSQL tool will be the migrated data that has been successfully transferred from the source database system to the target database system.


The DB2 RazorSQL tool provides an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for performing database conversions. Users can select the source and target databases, choose the objects they want to migrate, and specify any additional options for the migration. The tool will then perform the migration and provide a summary of the results.


The DB2 RazorSQL tool is used for database management tasks, including database conversion. Users can utilize this tool to migrate data from various database systems to DB2, making it easy to switch to a new database system without needing to recreate the data manually.

Important Points

  • The DB2 RazorSQL tool provides a wizard-like interface for easy database conversion.
  • Users can select the source and target databases, choose the objects to migrate, and specify any additional options during the migration process.
  • The DB2 RazorSQL tool can be used to migrate data from various database systems to DB2, making it easy to switch to a new database system.


In summary, database conversion is the process of migrating data from one database system to another. The DB2 RazorSQL tool is a database management tool that includes features for database conversion, allowing users to easily migrate data from various database systems to DB2. The tool provides a wizard-like interface and allows users to select the source and target databases, choose the objects to migrate, and specify any additional options during the migration process.

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