  1. db2-compare-tool

Compare Tool in DB2


-- No specific syntax for Compare Tool as it is a visual tool
-- Users can compare database objects using the graphical interface.


As the Compare Tool is a visual tool, there isn't a specific textual example in SQL. Users can interact with the graphical interface to compare database objects.


The output of the Compare Tool is a visual representation of the differences between two database objects. This may include differences in schema, data, or other relevant aspects.


The Compare Tool in RazorSQL is a visual tool designed to compare database objects such as tables, views, or procedures. It provides a side-by-side view of two selected objects, highlighting the differences between them.


  • Schema Comparison: Use the Compare Tool to identify differences in the structure (schema) of two database objects.
  • Data Comparison: Compare the data in tables to identify variances between two datasets.
  • Object Dependency Analysis: Analyze dependencies between database objects to ensure consistency.

Important Points

  • Visual Differencing: The Compare Tool uses a visual interface to display differences, making it easy to identify variations quickly.
  • Synchronization: Some Compare Tools may offer synchronization options to apply changes from one object to another.
  • Comprehensive Analysis: Compare not only schema but also data, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of variances.


The Compare Tool in DB2 using RazorSQL is a valuable feature for comparing and analyzing differences between database objects. It simplifies the process of identifying variations in schema and data, providing a visual representation for users to make informed decisions about changes or updates to their database structures.

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