  1. db2-create-view

Create View - (DB2 RazorSQL Tool)

In DB2, a view is a virtual table that is created using an SQL query. It provides an alternative way to access data stored in tables and provides a layer of abstraction that can simplify complex SQL queries. The RazorSQL tool provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for creating views in DB2.


The syntax for creating a view in DB2 using RazorSQL is as follows:

CREATE VIEW view_name AS
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

Here, view_name is the name of the view to be created, column1, column2, and so on are the columns to be included in the view, and table_name is the name of the table on which the view is being created. The WHERE clause is optional and can be used to specify conditions for selecting data from the table.


Let's say we have a table employees with the following columns: emp_id, emp_name, job_title, department, and salary. We want to create a view that includes only the employee ID, name, and salary for employees with a salary greater than $50,000.

To create this view using RazorSQL, we would execute the following SQL statement:

CREATE VIEW emp_salaries AS
SELECT emp_id, emp_name, salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary > 50000;


The output of creating a view in DB2 using RazorSQL is a new view that can be used to access data stored in the underlying tables. When the view is selected, the SQL query associated with the view is executed and the data is returned as if it were a table.


In the above example, we create a view called emp_salaries by selecting the employee ID, name, and salary from the employees table where the salary is greater than $50,000. This view provides an alternative way to access employee salary data, and can simplify complex SQL queries that involve the employees table.


Creating views in DB2 using RazorSQL can provide a layer of abstraction that simplifies the way data is accessed and manipulated. Views can reduce the complexity of database schema, provide enhanced security, and provide a convenient way to reuse complex queries.

Important Points

  • Views are virtual tables that are created using SQL queries.
  • Views can be used to simplify complex SQL queries and provide a layer of abstraction that can reduce the complexity of database schema.
  • RazorSQL provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for creating views in DB2.
  • Views can provide enhanced security by allowing users to access only the data they are authorized to access.


In summary, creating views in DB2 can provide a layer of abstraction that simplifies the way data is accessed and manipulated. RazorSQL provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for creating views in DB2 using SQL queries. Views can reduce the complexity of database schema, provide enhanced security, and provide a convenient way to reuse complex queries.

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