  1. db2-create-database

Create Database - (DB2 Databases)

IBM DB2 is a relational database management system that is widely used in enterprise environments. In order to use DB2, you must first create a database. In this article, we will discuss how to create a database in DB2.


The syntax for creating a database in DB2 is as follows:

CREATE DATABASE database_name
  ON filegroup_name
  COLLATE collation_name
  USING CODESET codeset_name
  TERRITORY territory
  PAGESIZE page_size_in_bytes
  BUFFERPOOL bufferpool_name

Here, database_name is the name of the database you want to create, filegroup_name is the name of the file group where the data for the database will be stored, collation_name is the name of the collation sequence to be used in the database, codeset_name is the name of the codeset to be used in the database, territory is the territory where the database will be located, page_size_in_bytes is the size of the pages in the database (in bytes), and bufferpool_name is the name of the buffer pool to be used for the database.


  ON datadir
  BUFFERPOOL buffer1

In this example, we create a database called exampledb that will be stored in the datadir file group. We specify the LATIN1_GENERAL_CI_AI collation sequence, ISO8859-1 codeset, and US territory. We set the page size to 4096 bytes and specify that the buffer1 buffer pool should be used for the database.


The output of creating a database in DB2 is the newly created database in the database system.


When you create a database in DB2, you are creating a container for data storage. The database consists of a set of files that contain the data for the database. When you create the database, you can specify various parameters such as the file group where the data will be stored, the collation sequence to be used, the territory where the database will be located, and more.


Creating a database in DB2 is a necessary step before you can start using the database. With a database in place, you can start adding tables, indexes, and other database objects. You can also define users and permissions to control access to the data in the database.

Important Points

  • A database in DB2 is a container for data storage.
  • When you create a database, you can specify various parameters such as file group, collation sequence, territory, and more.
  • Creating a database is a necessary step before you can start using the database and adding objects to it.


In summary, creating a database in DB2 is a necessary step before you can start using the database. You can specify various parameters when creating the database, such as the file group, collation sequence, and territory. Once the database is created, you can start adding objects to it and defining user access.

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