  1. db2-copy

Copy - (DB2 RazorSQL Tool)

RazorSQL is a database management tool that provides a variety of features, including the ability to copy tables and data between different DB2 databases. This feature can be useful for creating backups, moving data between development, testing, and production environments, and much more.


The syntax for copying tables using the RazorSQL tool is as follows:

  1. Open two database connections to the databases you want to copy tables between.

  2. In the source database connection, right-click on the table you want to copy and select "Copy Table".

  3. Select the destination database connection and choose the database where you want to copy the table.

  4. Give the table a new name, if desired, and choose any other options you want to apply to the table or its data.

  5. Click "OK" to copy the table and its data to the destination database.


Here is an example of how to copy a table using the RazorSQL tool:

  1. Open two database connections in RazorSQL, one for the source database and one for the destination database.

  2. In the source database connection, right-click on the table you want to copy and select "Copy Table".

  3. Select the destination database connection.

  4. Choose the destination database where you want to copy the table.

  5. Give the table a new name, if desired.

  6. Choose any other options you want to apply to the table or its data.

  7. Click "OK" to copy the table and its data to the destination database.


The output of copying tables and data between different DB2 databases using the RazorSQL tool is a new table in the destination database that contains the same data as the original table in the source database.


The RazorSQL tool provides the ability to copy tables and data between DB2 databases. This can be done by selecting the table you want to copy in the source database, choosing the destination database, and providing any desired options for copying the table and its data. Once you click "OK", RazorSQL will copy the table and its data to the destination database.


The ability to copy tables and data between DB2 databases using the RazorSQL tool can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as creating backups, moving data between development, testing, and production environments, and much more.

Important Points

  • The RazorSQL tool provides the ability to copy tables and data between DB2 databases.
  • The process involves selecting the table you want to copy, choosing the destination database, and providing any desired options for copying the table and its data.
  • This feature can be useful for creating backups, moving data between environments, and much more.


In summary, the RazorSQL tool provides a powerful and convenient way to copy tables and data between different DB2 databases. This feature can be useful for tasks such as creating backups, moving data between development, testing, and production environments, and much more.

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