  1. blazor-using-javascript-in-blazor

Blazor Using JavaScript in Blazor

Blazor is an experimental .NET web framework that allows developers to build web applications using C# and HTML instead of JavaScript. However, there may be times when you need to incorporate JavaScript into a Blazor application. In this case, Blazor provides a way to seamlessly interact with JavaScript through the use of Blazor's JavaScript interop.


// Call a JavaScript function from C#
await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<object>("functionName", arguments);
// Define a JavaScript function to call from C#
function functionName(args) {
  // JavaScript code here


@page "/"

<button onclick="@CallJs">Call JavaScript</button>

@code {
    private async Task CallJs()
        await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<object>("alert", "Hello from Blazor using JavaScript!");

In this example, we have a button that calls a JavaScript alert function when clicked. The JavaScript function is defined in the Blazor index.html file.


When the button in the above example is clicked, an alert dialog box will be displayed with the message "Hello from Blazor using JavaScript!".


Blazor's JavaScript interop allows developers to call JavaScript functions from C# and vice versa. This opens up a world of possibilities for developers who need to combine C# and JavaScript functionality in their web applications. The JSRuntime.InvokeAsync method is used to call a JavaScript function from C#. The name of the function and any arguments are passed as parameters to the method.


Developers can use the JavaScript interop in Blazor to:

  • Call JavaScript functions from C#
  • Call C# functions from JavaScript
  • Use JavaScript libraries in a Blazor application
  • Customize the Blazor application using JavaScript

Important Points

  • Blazor provides a JavaScript interop to allow seamless interaction between C# and JavaScript.

  • Developers can use the JSRuntime.InvokeAsync method to call JavaScript functions from C#.

  • Blazor's JavaScript interop can be used to call C# functions from JavaScript as well.


Blazor's JavaScript interop is a powerful feature that allows developers to integrate C# and JavaScript functionality in their web applications. The JSRuntime.InvokeAsync method is used to call JavaScript functions from C#. This allows developers to take advantage of existing JavaScript libraries and incorporate custom JavaScript in a Blazor application.

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