  1. blazor-project-structure-overview

Blazor Project Structure Overview

Blazor is a web development framework that leverages C# and .NET to create interactive web applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In this article, we will be discussing the project structure in Blazor and the organization of the files in a typical Blazor application.


A typical Blazor application consists of the following components:

├── wwwroot/
│   ├── css/
│   ├── js/
│   └── index.html
├── Pages/
│   ├── Index.razor
│   └── ...
├── Shared/
│   ├── NavMenu.razor
│   └── ...
├── appsettings.json
├── Program.cs
└── Startup.cs


Here is an example of a typical Blazor application structure:

├── wwwroot/
│   ├── css/
│   │   └── custom.css
│   ├── js/
│   │   └── custom.js
│   └── index.html
├── Pages/
│   ├── Index.razor
│   ├── Counter.razor
│   └── FetchData.razor
├── Shared/
│   ├── NavMenu.razor
│   ├── MainLayout.razor
│   └── ...
├── appsettings.json
├── Program.cs
└── Startup.cs


With this project structure, a typical Blazor application will have the following outputs:

  • A wwwroot directory that contains static files such as CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files.
  • A Pages directory containing the set of Razor pages that define the UI and functionality of the application.
  • A Shared directory containing shared Razor components that can be used across multiple pages.
  • An appsettings.json file that defines application-wide settings such as app URLs, API keys, and other configurations.
  • Program.cs and Startup.cs files that specify the runtime and bootstrapping configurations for the Blazor application.


  • wwwroot: This directory contains static files such as CSS, JavaScript, and images that can be served by the web server. This directory is exposed to the public, meaning that the server can serve any files that reside in this directory in response to client requests.

  • Pages: This directory contains all the Razor pages that define the UI and functionality of the application. These pages can be accessed through URLs and correspond to the views that the user will see and interact with.

  • Shared: This directory contains shared Razor components that can be used across multiple pages. These components are typically reusable UI elements such as headers, footers, and navigation menus.

  • appsettings.json: This file defines application-wide settings such as app URLs, API keys, and other configurations. These settings are used throughout the application to set up the environment and define various behaviors.

  • Program.cs and Startup.cs: These files specify the runtime and bootstrapping configurations for the Blazor application. They include settings such as the application environment, dependencies, and middleware.


By following this project structure, developers can easily organize their code and files, making it easier to maintain and modify their application. The separation of static files, Razor pages, and shared components allows for a hierarchical organization of the code that can be logically grouped based on functionality and purpose.

Important Points

  • In Blazor, the project structure should follow a logical and intuitive organization of the code and files.
  • The wwwroot directory contains static files that can be served by the web server.
  • The Pages directory contains all the Razor pages that define the UI and functionality of the application.
  • The Shared directory contains shared Razor components that can be used across multiple pages.
  • Developers should use the appsettings.json file to define application-wide settings such as app URLs, API keys, and other configurations.
  • The Program.cs and Startup.cs files specify the runtime and bootstrapping configurations for the Blazor application.


In this article, we discussed the project structure in a typical Blazor application. We discussed the organization of the files, the directories that contain various components, and the purpose of each file and directory. By using this project structure, developers can easily organize their code and files and enhance the maintainability and extensibility of their application.

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