  1. blazor-javascript-interop

Blazor JavaScript Interop

Blazor is a framework for building single-page applications (SPA) using C# instead of JavaScript. However, there may be situations where you need to interact with JavaScript libraries or APIs. In such cases, Blazor provides a way to interact with JavaScript through a feature called JavaScript Interop.


The syntax for calling JavaScript functions from Blazor using JavaScript Interop is as follows:

await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<T>(string identifier, params object[] args);


@code {
    public IJSRuntime JSRuntime { get; set; }

    private async Task CallJavaScriptFunction()
        await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<object>("alert", "Hello from Blazor!");

In this example, we are injecting the IJSRuntime service into our component and using the InvokeAsync() method to call the alert() function defined in JavaScript. This will display an alert with the message "Hello from Blazor!".


The output of calling a JavaScript function through Blazor using JavaScript Interop is the same as calling the function directly in JavaScript. In the above example, an alert box will be displayed with the message "Hello from Blazor!".


JavaScript Interop in Blazor provides a way to call JavaScript functions and APIs from C#. This feature is useful when you need to leverage existing JavaScript libraries or APIs while building your Blazor application. You can pass parameters to the JavaScript function and also get back a result from the function.


JavaScript Interop can be used in a variety of situations, including:

  • Calling JavaScript libraries or APIs from C#
  • Interacting with browser APIs such as the Web Storage API, the Geolocation API, etc.
  • Integrating third-party JavaScript widgets or components into your Blazor application

Important Points

  • JavaScript Interop is a powerful feature that should be used with care, as it can introduce potential security vulnerabilities or performance issues.
  • It is important to ensure that any JavaScript code you execute from C# is validated and does not introduce any security risks into your application.
  • Look for alternative solutions that do not involve JavaScript Interop before deciding to use it.


Blazor's JavaScript Interop feature provides a way to interact with JavaScript libraries or APIs from C#. It is a powerful feature that should be used with care and only after considering alternative solutions. JavaScript Interop enables you to leverage existing JavaScript libraries or APIs while building your Blazor application, and can also help you integrate third-party JavaScript widgets or components into your application.

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