  1. blazor-server-vs-webassembly

Blazor Server vs. WebAssembly


Blazor Server

services.AddMvc().AddRazorPagesOptions(options =>
   options.Conventions.AddPageRoute("/Index", "");


await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<object>("exampleJsFunctions.showAlert");


Blazor Server

@page "/"
@using MyApp.Shared
@inject MyService MyService

<h1>Blazor Server</h1>


<ComponentA />


public class ExampleModel
   public string Message { get; set; }

   .then(response => response.json())
   .then(data => {
       const element = document.createElement("p");
       element.innerHTML = data.message;


Blazor Server

Blazor Server renders content on the server and sends it to the client browser as an HTML document.


WebAssembly runs code directly in the client browser, allowing for more dynamic and interactive user experiences.


Blazor Server and WebAssembly are two approaches to building web applications with the Blazor framework. Blazor Server renders content on the server and sends it to the client browser as an HTML document, while WebAssembly runs code directly in the client browser.

Blazor Server is ideal for applications that require fast initial load times, low latency, and shared access to server-side resources, such as databases and file systems. WebAssembly, on the other hand, offers faster page loading and more dynamic and interactive user experiences, but requires more effort to ensure proper support across different devices and platforms.

Both Blazor Server and WebAssembly offer benefits and challenges depending on the needs of your web application.


Blazor Server and WebAssembly can both be used to build modern web applications using a single language, C#, and leveraging the .NET ecosystem. The choice between the two approaches depends on the specific needs of your application.

Blazor Server is best suited for applications with shared state requirements, real-time updates, and heavy server-side processing. In contrast, WebAssembly is a better choice for applications requiring more interactive user experiences that are difficult to achieve with traditional web technologies.

Important Points

  • Blazor Server renders content on the server and sends it to the client browser as an HTML document.
  • WebAssembly runs code directly in the client browser, allowing for more dynamic and interactive user experiences.
  • Blazor Server is ideal for applications with shared state requirements, real-time updates, and heavy server-side processing.
  • WebAssembly is best suited for applications requiring more interactive user experiences that are difficult to achieve with traditional web technologies.


Blazor Server and WebAssembly are two approaches to building web applications with the Blazor framework. Each approach offers its own unique advantages and challenges, and the choice between the two depends on the specific needs of your application. While Blazor Server is ideal for applications with shared state requirements, real-time updates, and heavy server-side processing, WebAssembly is best suited for applications requiring more dynamic and interactive user experiences.

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