  1. blazor-introduction

Blazor Introduction

Blazor is an open-source web framework that allows developers to build web applications using .NET and C#. It allows developers to write client-side web applications with C# instead of JavaScript. Blazor uses WebAssembly to run C# code directly in the browser without the need for JavaScript.


Blazor syntax is similar to Razor syntax used in ASP.NET Core MVC applications. It uses HTML markup with embedded Razor code. Razor code is enclosed in @ symbols and can be used to add dynamic content and execute C# code.


<h1>Welcome to Blazor!</h1>
<p>The current time is @DateTime.Now</p>


Welcome to Blazor!
The current time is 10/13/2021 11:30:00 AM


In the above example, we have used Razor syntax to display the current time using C# code. The @ symbol is used to execute C# code and display the result in the HTML markup.


Blazor can be used for building client-side web applications or as a component in a larger application. It can be used to build interactive user interfaces, Single Page Applications (SPA), Progressive Web Applications (PWA), and more.

Blazor provides a rich set of features out of the box, including routing, data binding, components, lifecycle methods, and more. It also integrates well with .NET Core and can be used to interact with backend services using HTTP calls or SignalR for real-time communication.

Important Points

  • Blazor uses WebAssembly to run C# code in the browser
  • Blazor allows developers to write client-side web applications with C# instead of JavaScript
  • Blazor syntax is similar to Razor syntax used in ASP.NET Core MVC applications
  • Blazor can be used to build interactive user interfaces, SPAs, PWAs, and more
  • Blazor provides a rich set of features out of the box, including routing, data binding, components, lifecycle methods, and more


Blazor is a modern web framework that allows developers to build web applications using .NET and C#. It provides a rich set of features out of the box and integrates well with .NET Core. With Blazor, developers can write client-side web applications with C# instead of JavaScript, making it a great option for .NET developers who want to build web applications.

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