  1. blazor-introduction-to-webassembly

Blazor Introduction to WebAssembly

Blazor is a web framework created by Microsoft that allows developers to create web applications using .NET and C# rather than JavaScript. One of the key features of Blazor is its ability to run C# code directly in the browser using WebAssembly.


There is no specific syntax associated with Blazor and WebAssembly. Developers can write C# code as they normally would and run it directly in the browser using WebAssembly.


@page "/counter"


<p>Current count: @currentCount</p>

<button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="@IncrementCount">Click me</button>

@code {
    private int currentCount = 0;

    private void IncrementCount()

In this example, we are creating a simple counter web application using Blazor and WebAssembly. The @code block contains C# code that handles the logic of the application. When the button is clicked, the currentCount variable is incremented and the count is displayed on the page.


The output of a Blazor WebAssembly application is a standard web application that runs in the browser. The difference is that instead of using JavaScript, the application is written in C# and runs directly in the browser using WebAssembly.


WebAssembly is a new binary format that allows developers to run compiled code in the browser. Blazor takes advantage of this technology to allow developers to create web applications using .NET and C#. The C# code is compiled to WebAssembly and runs directly in the browser, providing a fast and responsive user experience.


Blazor is a great tool for developers who are already familiar with .NET and C# and want to use those skills to create web applications. Blazor's ability to run C# code directly in the browser using WebAssembly provides a fast and responsive user experience that is difficult to achieve with traditional JavaScript-based web applications.

Important Points

  • Blazor allows developers to create web applications using .NET and C# rather than JavaScript.
  • Blazor uses WebAssembly to run C# code directly in the browser.
  • Blazor provides a fast and responsive user experience that is difficult to achieve with traditional JavaScript-based web applications.


Blazor is a web framework created by Microsoft that allows developers to create web applications using .NET and C#. Blazor's ability to run C# code directly in the browser using WebAssembly provides a fast and responsive user experience that is difficult to achieve with traditional JavaScript-based web applications. Blazor is a great tool for developers who are already familiar with .NET and C# and want to use those skills to create web applications.

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