  1. blazor-scoped-and-transient-services

Blazor Scoped and Transient Services

Blazor is a web framework that allows developers to build web applications using C# and .NET. It provides a variety of services to help developers build efficient and effective applications. Two of these services are Scoped and Transient Services.


There is no specific syntax associated with Scoped and Transient Services. They are methods of Dependency Injection that can be implemented through the .NET Core Dependency Injection Container.


services.AddScoped<IMyService, MyService>();
services.AddTransient<IMyService, MyService>();

In this example, we are registering two different services, Scoped and Transient, with the .NET Core Dependency Injection Container.


The output of Scoped and Transient Services is a registered service that can be injected into other parts of the application using Dependency Injection.


In Blazor, Scoped and Transient services are two of the most commonly used services for Dependency Injection.

  • Scoped Services are created once per client request (HTTP request) and are then reused throughout the request. These services are designed to be long-lived and are useful for handling stateful operations, such as database connections.

  • Transient Services are created on demand (whenever needed) and are typically short-lived. They are useful for operations that don't require state, such as formatting a DateTime value.


Developers can use Scoped and Transient services to implement Dependency Injection throughout their Blazor applications. Scoped services are ideal for handling stateful operations, while Transient services are useful for handling operations that don't require state.

Important Points

  • Scoped Services are ideal for handling stateful operations that need to be reused throughout a client request.
  • Transient Services are useful for handling stateless operations that don't need to be reused.
  • Developers can use the .NET Core Dependency Injection Container to register and implement Scoped and Transient Services.


Scoped and Transient Services are two commonly used services in Blazor for Dependency Injection. They allow developers to implement stateful and stateless services, respectively, and can be registered with the .NET Core Dependency Injection Container. By using Scoped and Transient Services, developers can write more efficient and effective applications in Blazor.

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