  1. tkinter-text

Text Widget in Tkinter

The Text widget in Tkinter is used to display multi-line formatted text with editing capabilities. It is one of the most commonly used widgets in GUI applications and offers rich text manipulation features such as font styles, color, and alignment.


The basic syntax for creating a Text widget is as follows:

text_widget = Text(parent, options...)

Here, parent refers to the container widget where the text widget will be placed, and options are the various parameters that can be set for the text widget.


Consider the following example where a Text widget is created with some text content:

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

text_widget = Text(root)
text_widget.insert(END, "This is a Text widget!")


In this example, we create a Text widget and insert some text content using the insert method. The END constant is used to indicate that the text should be inserted at the end of the existing content in the widget. Finally, the pack method is called to display the widget on the screen.


The output of the Text widget will depend on the text content and formatting that is provided by the application. It can be displayed with various font styles, colors, and alignment options, as specified in the widget options.


The Text widget in Tkinter is used to render multi-line text with various styling options. It also offers features for editing, searching, and replacing text content. The widget is created using the Text class constructor, and options can be set using various methods such as config.


The Text widget in Tkinter is commonly used in applications where multi-line text with formatting options is required. It is commonly used in text editors, log viewers, and other data display applications.

Important Points

  • The Text widget can be configured with various styling options such as font, color, and alignment.
  • The widget provides methods for editing, searching, and replacing text content.
  • The Text widget can be used in conjunction with other Tkinter widgets such as Scrollbar and Frame.


In this tutorial, we learned about the Text widget in Tkinter, which is used to display multi-line text with formatting options. We discussed the syntax for creating a Text widget, how to set options, and how to display text content. We also covered some important use cases and features of the widget.

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