  1. tkinter-message

Message - Tkinter Display Widgets

The message widget in Tkinter is used to display multiple lines of text with a minimum of user interaction. It is useful in creating pop-up alerts, information boxes, or status updates in GUI applications.


message = Message(master, options)
  • master stands for the parent widget.
  • options are the optional parameters that can be used for configuring the widget.


from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

msg_box = Message(root, text="Hello World! This is a message.", width=100)


In this example, we have created a message widget with the text "Hello World! This is a message." and a width of 100. We have packed this widget inside the main window and executed the main event loop.


The above example will display a window with a message widget containing the text "Hello World! This is a message.".


The message widget is used to display messages of longer lengths by wrapping them. It automatically resizes its width to fit the text. The message widget can also contain images along with the text.


The message widget is useful in creating pop-up alerts, status updates, or information boxes for the user in Tkinter GUI applications. It is particularly helpful when you need to display larger or multiline messages.

Important Points

  • You can set the aspect option to control the aspect ratio of the message widget.
  • The anchor option can be used to specify where the message text should be anchored.
  • You can use the width option to set the width of the message widget.


The Message widget in Tkinter is used to display multiple lines of text with a minimum of user interaction. It is useful in creating pop-up alerts, status updates, or information boxes for the user in GUI applications. The message widget automatically resizes its width to fit the text and can contain images along with the text. The aspect ratio, anchor point, and width of the widget can be configured using optional parameters.

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