  1. tkinter-scale

Tkinter Scale

The Tkinter Scale widget is used to provide a graphical slider that allows the user to select a value from a continuous range. This guide covers the syntax, example, output, explanation, use cases, important points, and a summary of the Tkinter Scale widget in Python.


scale_widget = Scale(parent, options)

Common Options:

  • from_: The minimum value of the scale.
  • to: The maximum value of the scale.
  • orient: Specifies the orientation ('horizontal' or 'vertical').
  • variable: Associates a Tkinter variable with the scale.
  • command: Specifies a function to call when the scale value changes.


import tkinter as tk

def on_scale_change(value):
    label_var.set(f"Selected Value: {value}")

# Create the main window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Tkinter Scale Example")

# Create a Tkinter variable
scale_var = tk.DoubleVar()

# Create a Scale widget
scale = tk.Scale(root, from_=0, to=100, orient="horizontal", variable=scale_var, command=on_scale_change)

# Create a label to display the selected value
label_var = tk.StringVar()
label = tk.Label(root, textvariable=label_var)

# Run the Tkinter event loop


The output of the example would be a graphical window with a horizontal scale and a label displaying the selected value.


  • The Scale widget creates a slider that allows the user to select a value within the specified range.
  • The variable option is used to associate a Tkinter variable with the scale, enabling easy retrieval of the selected value.
  • The command option can be used to specify a callback function that is called when the scale value changes.


  • The Scale widget is useful for allowing users to select a numerical value within a specified range.
  • It is commonly used in GUI applications where numeric input or adjustment is required.

Important Points

  • The Scale widget provides a user-friendly way to input or adjust numeric values.
  • Use the from_ and to options to define the range of values for the scale.


The Tkinter Scale widget is a versatile tool for creating sliders in GUI applications. It allows users to interactively select a value within a defined range. By associating a Tkinter variable and specifying a callback function, you can easily integrate the Scale widget into your Tkinter-based projects for numeric input or adjustment.

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