  1. tkinter-introduction

Introduction to Tkinter

Tkinter is the standard GUI library in Python programming language. It is one of the most commonly used library for creating GUI applications using Python. Tkinter provides a powerful object-oriented interface for creating GUI programs.


The basic syntax of Tkinter is as follows:

import tkinter as tk
window = tk.Tk()

Here import tkinter imports the module tkinter for GUI programming, and window = tk.Tk() creates a main window object for your application.


Here is a simple code example that creates a main window with a label widget:

import tkinter as tk

window = tk.Tk() # Create main window object
window.title("Welcome to Tkinter") # Set window title

label = tk.Label(window, text="Hello World!") # Create label widget

window.mainloop() # Start the event loop

When the above code is executed, a main window with a label widget containing the text "Hello World!" will be displayed.


In the above code, tk.Label() creates a label widget with the text "Hello World!" in it. The pack() method packs the label widget into the window.

window.mainloop() starts the window's event loop, which waits for events like button clicks or mouse movements.


Tkinter can be used to create desktop applications with a graphical user interface. It offers a large variety of widgets such as buttons, labels, textboxes, menus and more. It also allows you to control the appearance and layout of your application using various options available.

Important Points

  • Tkinter works with the concept of widgets.
  • There are many different widgets available in Tkinter for building GUIs.
  • mainloop() function is used to start the event loop of the window.
  • We can control the positioning of the widgets using various methods such as pack(), grid(), and place().
  • Tkinter provides StringVar(), IntVar() and BooleanVar() classes for creating variables that can be used in our application.


Tkinter is a popular GUI library in Python programming language. It provides an object-oriented interface to create GUI applications. It can be used to create different types of widgets like buttons, labels, textboxes, menus and more. It also provides several options for styling and arranging widgets in the window.

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