  1. tkinter-menubutton

Menubutton in Tkinter

The Menubutton widget in Tkinter is used to create a dropdown menu of options. It gives the user a set of choices to select from and triggers an action based on the selected choice.


The basic syntax for using Menubutton is:

menu = Menu(top, tearoff=0)
menu.add_command(label="Option 1", command=callback)
menu.add_command(label="Option 2", command=callback)
menubutton = Menubutton(top, text="Choose an option", menu=menu)

Here, top is the parent window, tearoff is a parameter to control whether the menu can be detached from the main application window, command is the callback function called after selecting any option, and text is the text that will be visible in the button when no option is selected.


Let's create a simple Menubutton widget that displays options “One“, “Two“, and “Three“:

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

def select():
    label.config(text = "You selected " + str(var.get()))

var = IntVar()

menu_options = [("One",1), ("Two", 2), ("Three",3)]

menu = Menu(root, tearoff = 0)
for text, value in menu_options:
    menu.add_radiobutton(label = text, variable = var, value = value,
        command = select) 

menubutton = Menubutton(root, text = "Choose an option", relief = RAISED,
                  indicatoron = True, direction = "below", anchor = "center",
                  menu = menu)
menubutton.pack(padx = 20, pady = 20)

label = Label(root)


In this example, we created a list of options and populated the menu with this list using a for loop. The select() function is called each time an option is selected from the menu. Also, we added some optional parameters to customize the appearance of the Menubutton.


The above code will create a window with a clickable Menubutton. When the button is clicked, a menu will appear with options "One", "Two", and "Three". On selecting an option, the select() function will be called and a message will be displayed on the window.


The Menubutton widget creates a button with a dropdown menu containing multiple options for the user to choose from. When an option is selected, it triggers an action or function that performs some operation based on the selected option. In this example, we created a Menubutton with a list of options and a label that updates to display the selected option.


The Menubutton widget is useful in scenarios where there are multiple options that need to be presented to the user in a dropdown menu. It is commonly used in menu bars, web applications, and other GUI interfaces.

Important Points

  • The Menubutton widget must be associated with a Menu widget to create a dropdown menu.
  • The Menu widget can contain multiple options such as checkbuttons, radiobuttons, and other widgets.
  • The command parameter is used to specify the function that will be called when an option is selected from the menu.


In this tutorial, we discussed the Menubutton widget in Tkinter. We learned about the syntax, example code, output, explanation, use cases, and important points to consider when using this widget. The Menubutton widget is a powerful tool for creating dropdown menu options for users, making it a popular choice for GUI developers in Python.

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