  1. tkinter-frame

Frame - Tkinter Container Widgets

The Frame widget in Tkinter serves as a container or grouping widget. It can be used to group other widgets together, such as buttons, labels, and other frames.


The basic syntax for creating a Frame widget is as follows:

frame_name = Frame(parent, option=value)

Here, parent refers to the parent widget, which can be a Tk or Toplevel instance. Options can be used to configure the appearance and behavior of the Frame, such as the border width and relief style.


Consider the following example, which creates a Frame widget and adds labels and buttons to it:

import tkinter as tk

window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Frame Example")

# Create a frame
frame = tk.Frame(window, bg="white", bd=2, relief=tk.SUNKEN)

# Add labels and buttons to the frame
label1 = tk.Label(frame, text="This is inside the frame", bg="white")
label1.pack(padx=10, pady=5)

button1 = tk.Button(frame, text="Click me!", command=lambda: print("Button clicked"))

# Add a button outside the frame
button2 = tk.Button(window, text="Close", command=window.destroy)


In this example, a Frame widget is created with a white background and sunken relief style. A label and button are added to the frame using the pack method. Another button is added outside the frame to close the window.


The above code will create a simple GUI window with a frame containing a label and button, as well as a button outside the frame to close the window.

Frame Output


The Frame widget in Tkinter serves as a container or grouping widget. It can be used to group other widgets together and apply a consistent style or behavior. In the example above, a Frame widget is created with a white background and sunken relief style. Labels and a button are added to the frame using the pack method, and another button is added outside the frame using the same method.


The Frame widget is useful for grouping other widgets together and applying a consistent style or behavior to them. It can be used to create a more organized and visually appealing GUI.

Important Points

  • The Frame widget is a container or grouping widget in Tkinter.
  • Options can be used to configure the appearance and behavior of the Frame, such as the border width and relief style.
  • Widgets can be added to the frame using the pack, grid, or place methods.


The Frame widget in Tkinter serves as a container or grouping widget and can be used to group other widgets together and apply a consistent style or behavior. It is created with a parent widget, and options can be used to configure its appearance and behavior. Widgets can be added to the frame using the pack, grid, or place methods.

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