  1. tkinter-labelframe

LabelFrame - Tkinter Container Widget

In Tkinter GUI programming, the LabelFrame is a container widget that can be used to group and classify other widgets with a border and a title. A LabelFrame widget acts as a container for other widgets and provides a grouping mechanism. It is a common practice to use this widget to logically group various related widgets.


The basic syntax for creating a LabelFrame is as follows:

label_frame = LabelFrame(parent, options)


  • parent is the parent window or frame of the LabelFrame
  • options are the parameters passed to configure the properties of the LabelFrame


from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

label_frame = LabelFrame(root, text="LabelFrame Example", font=('Arial', 12, 'bold'))
label_frame.pack(fill="both", expand="yes", padx=10, pady=10)

label = Label(label_frame, text="This is a Label inside the LabelFrame")


In this example, a LabelFrame widget is created with a title, and a Label widget is added to the LabelFrame.


The above code produces a window with a LabelFrame that contains a Label widget as shown below:

LabelFrame Example


The LabelFrame widget is used to group related widgets in a form using a border and a title. It provides the ability to visually arrange and classify different widgets. When placed inside a LabelFrame, all the widgets get enclosed by a border. A title is added to the LabelFrame using the text option.

Once the LabelFrame is created, any widget can be added to it using the pack() or grid() method.


The LabelFrame widget is used to group related widgets together and present a more visually organized and attractive form. It is useful in cases where a form has many widgets and is cluttered.

Important Points

  • The LabelFrame widget can contain any Tkinter widget such as labels, buttons, and more.
  • The LabelFrame has a default border that can be customized via the borderwidth and relief options.
  • The title of a LabelFrame can be customized using the text option.
  • The LabelFrame widget can be configured using various options to change its properties such as font, background color, foreground color, etc.


The LabelFrame widget in Tkinter is used to group related widgets together. It is a useful widget to give a form a more structured and organized look, avoiding clutter. We can add any of the available widgets to the LabelFrame, and it provides style, structure, and a clear line of separation for the widgets.

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