  1. tkinter-entry

Entry Widget in Tkinter

The Entry widget is one of the Tkinter input widgets and is used to accept input from the user via keyboard. The widget can accept a single or multiple line input, depending on the parameter provided.


The basic syntax for creating an Entry widget in Tkinter is as follows:

entry_widget = tk.Entry(parent, options)

Here, parent is the parent widget or window where the entry widget will be placed and options are the different configuration options that can be provided to the widget.


Consider the following example where an Entry widget is used to accept a user's name and display a greeting message:

import tkinter as tk

def display_greeting():
    name = name_var.get()
    message = "Hello " + name + "!"

root = tk.Tk()

name_var = tk.StringVar()

name_label = tk.Label(root, text="Enter your name:")

name_entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=name_var)

greeting_label = tk.Label(root, text="")

submit_button = tk.Button(root, text="Submit", command=display_greeting)


In this example, the user's name is entered via the Entry widget and stored in a StringVar object. When the user clicks the Submit button, the message is displayed in the greeting_label widget.


The output of the Entry widget will depend on the type of input provided by the user. In the above example, if the user enters their name as "John", the output message will be "Hello John!".


The Entry widget in Tkinter is used to accept input from the user via keyboard. It accepts a single or multiple line input, depending on the configuration parameters provided. In the above example, the user's input is stored in a StringVar object and used to display the greeting message.


The Entry widget is commonly used in forms, where users are required to input data. The widget can also be used for password fields or other sensitive information, where the input must be hidden.

Important Points

  • The Entry widget can be used to accept single or multiple line input.
  • The textvariable parameter is used to link the user input to a StringVar object.
  • The get() method can be used to retrieve the input value from the StringVar object.


The Entry widget in Tkinter is used to accept input from the user via keyboard. It can be used for single or multiple line input and is commonly used in forms or for password fields. The textvariable parameter is used to link the input to a StringVar object, which can be retrieved using the get() method.

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