  1. android-studio-seekbar

Android Studio SeekBar

The SeekBar is a user interface component in Android Studio that allows the user to select a value from a range of values by sliding a thumb across a horizontal or vertical bar. It is commonly used for settings, volume controls, and other features that require a range of options.


    android:progress="50" />


    android:progress="50" />


The output of the SeekBar will be a horizontal bar with a thumb that can be slid back and forth. The current value of the SeekBar will be marked by the position of the thumb.


The SeekBar is a user interface element that is used to select a value from a range of possible values. It is defined in XML with a set of attributes that determine its behavior and appearance. The android:max attribute sets the maximum value of the SeekBar, while the android:progress attribute sets the initial position of the thumb along the bar.

When the user interacts with the SeekBar by sliding the thumb, the position of the thumb is updated, and the OnSeekBarChangeListener interface is notified of the change. This interface provides methods that can be used to update other parts of the user interface based on the current value of the SeekBar.


The SeekBar is commonly used in Android Studio for settings, volume controls, brightness controls, and other features that require a range of possible values. It can be customized with different colors, styles, and other attributes to match the style of the app.

Important Points

  • The SeekBar is a user interface element that allows the user to select a value from a range of possible values by sliding a thumb along a horizontal or vertical bar.
  • The SeekBar is defined in XML with attributes that determine its behavior and appearance.
  • The android:max attribute sets the maximum value of the SeekBar, while the android:progress attribute sets the initial position of the thumb.
  • The OnSeekBarChangeListener interface is notified of changes to the position of the thumb, and provides methods that can be used to update other parts of the user interface based on the current value of the SeekBar.


The SeekBar is a powerful and flexible user interface component in Android Studio that allows the user to select a value from a range of possible values. It is easy to use and can be customized with different colors, styles, and other attributes to match the style of the app. By using the OnSeekBarChangeListener interface, it is possible to update other parts of the user interface based on the current value of the SeekBar.

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