  1. android-studio-checkbox

Introduction to CheckBox in Android Studio

The CheckBox is an important component in the Android Studio that allows users to select one or more choices from a list of options. It provides a simple interface to select multiple choices at once.


Here is the basic syntax for a CheckBox in Android Studio:

    android:text="Select me" />


Let's take a look at a simple example of using a CheckBox in Android Studio:

    android:text="CheckBox" />


When you run the above code, you will see a CheckBox displayed on the Android device or emulator as follows:

CheckBox Output


  • android:id: This is a unique identifier for the CheckBox.
  • android:layout_width and android:layout_height: These attributes specify the width and height of the CheckBox.
  • android:text: This attribute specifies the text that should be displayed next to the Checkbox.


The CheckBox is typically used in situations where multiple options need to be selected at once. For example, you might use a CheckBox to allow users to select multiple items from a list, like in a shopping cart or a to-do list.

Important Points

  • You can use the isChecked() method to check whether a CheckBox is currently selected or not.
  • You can use the setOnCheckedChangeListener() method to receive notifications when the state of the CheckBox changes.


In this guide, we learned about the CheckBox component in Android Studio. We went over its syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary. The CheckBox is a versatile component that allows users to select multiple options at once, and it can be used in a variety of different types of apps.

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