  1. android-studio-datepicker

Android Studio DatePicker

The DatePicker widget in Android Studio allows the user to select a date from a calendar dialog. This widget provides a simple way to manage the date and is commonly used in various Android applications.




DatePicker datePicker = findViewById(;

datePicker.init(year, month, dayOfMonth, new DatePicker.OnDateChangedListener() {
    public void onDateChanged(DatePicker datePicker, int year, int month, int dayOfMonth) {
        // Code to be executed when the date is changed


The output of the DatePicker will be a calendar dialog that allows the user to select a date.


The DatePicker widget provides a simple and user-friendly way to select a date. The DatePicker class in Android Studio allows the developer to customize the look and feel of the widget according to the application's design.

The init() method is used to initialize the DatePicker with the current date or any other date specified by the developer. The OnDateChangedListener interface is used to listen for changes in the date and execute the code when a date is selected.


The DatePicker widget can be used in various Android applications, including calendar applications, reminder applications, and other applications where the user needs to select a date.

Important Points

  • The DatePicker widget is available in the android.widget.DatePicker package.
  • The OnDateChangedListener interface must be implemented to listen for changes in the date.
  • The init() method is used to initialize the DatePicker with the current date or any other specified date.


The DatePicker widget in Android Studio provides a simple and user-friendly way to select a date. It is commonly used in various Android applications and can be customized according to the application's design. The init() method is used to initialize the DatePicker with the current date or any other date specified by the developer. The OnDateChangedListener interface is used to listen for changes in the date and execute the code when a date is selected.

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