  1. android-studio-screen-orientation

Android Studio Screen Orientation


Screen orientation can be defined in the AndroidManifest.xml file using the android:screenOrientation attribute. The attribute can have one of the following four values:

  • portrait: Screen is in a portrait orientation.
  • landscape: Screen is in a landscape orientation.
  • reversePortrait: Screen is in a reverse portrait orientation.
  • reverseLandscape: Screen is in a reverse landscape orientation.

Here's the basic syntax for setting screen orientation in AndroidManifest.xml:

    android:screenOrientation="portrait" />


Consider the following example where we set the screen orientation of an activity to landscape in AndroidManifest.xml:



The output of the above example will be that the activity will start with the screen orientation in landscape mode.


Screen orientation in Android Studio is used to control the orientation of an app's interface. It specifies whether an app's UI should display in portrait, landscape, or reverse orientation modes.

By default, the screen orientation is set to portrait. However, there are situations where you may want to change the screen orientation to better suit your app's needs.

For example, you may want to set your app's screen orientation to landscape, if your app has a lot of horizontal content like images or videos. This will make the app more user-friendly, as users won't have to keep rotating their devices.


Screen orientation is a great feature in Android Studio as it enables developers to deliver an optimal user interface that best suits the device's display. Changing the screen orientation allows apps to display their content in the most optimal format, which may be necessary for specific use-cases.

Important Points

  • Screen orientation attribute in AndroidManifest.xml file is used to set the orientation of an app's UI.
  • Screen orientation can be set to portrait, landscape, reverse portrait, or reverse landscape.
  • Screen orientation can be set for specific activities or for the entire app.
  • It's important to test app functionality in both portrait and landscape modes.


In summary, screen orientation in Android Studio is an essential feature that enables developers to control the orientation of an app's interface. By changing the screen orientation, developers can deliver an optimal user interface that best suits the device's display and offers a seamless user experience.

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