  1. android-studio-custom-checkbox

Custom CheckBox in Android Studio

A CheckBox widget allows the user to select one or more options from a set of options. It is widely used in Android apps to implement features such as selection of multiple items, marking items as done, and many more. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a Custom CheckBox in Android Studio.


    android:text="CheckBox Text"
    android:button="@drawable/custom_checkbox" />


Here's an example of a custom checkbox in Android Studio.

    android:text="Custom CheckBox"


Custom CheckBox in Android Studio


In the above example, we use android:button attribute to set the custom drawable for the CheckBox. By default, CheckBox component has a default style but using android:button we can modify it as per our requirement.

We can create a custom drawable for the CheckBox by creating a new XML file under the drawable folder. Here's an example of a custom checkbox drawable.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/checkbox_checked" android:state_checked="true" />
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/checkbox_unchecked" android:state_checked="false" />

In the above code, we create two drawables for checked and unchecked states of the custom checkbox. We use the state_checked attribute to define the different drawables for different states of the CheckBox.


Custom CheckBox is widely used in various Android apps where developers want to make CheckBox more user-friendly. Here are a few examples of where the custom CheckBox can be used:

  • To mark an item as done
  • To select multiple options simultaneously
  • To agree to the terms and conditions

Important Points

  • In order to create a Custom CheckBox, we need to create a custom drawable XML file.
  • We can use android:button attribute to set the custom drawable for the CheckBox.
  • We can modify the present style of CheckBox by using custom drawable XML files.
  • The state_checked attribute is used to define the different drawables for different states of the CheckBox.


In this tutorial, we learned how to create a Custom CheckBox in Android Studio. We went through the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points and summary of the Custom CheckBox component in Android Studio. Now you can easily create your Custom CheckBox with the desired drawable and use it in your Android app.

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