  1. android-studio-custom-radiobutton

Android Studio Custom RadioButton

Radio buttons are a common user interface element used to present a list of mutually exclusive options to the user. Android Studio includes a standard radio button widget that can be customized to match the design of your app. In this tutorial, we will explore how to create a custom radio button in Android Studio.


The syntax to create a custom radio button in Android Studio is as follows:

    android:text="Option A"
    app:useMaterialThemeColors="true" />

Here, we are using the MaterialRadioButton widget from the Material Design library. We have specified the ID of the radio button and the text to display. We have also specified the color of the button and enabled Material Design theme colors.


Let's create a simple example of a custom radio button in Android Studio. First, we need to add the Material Design library to our project. We can do this by adding the following line to our build.gradle file:

implementation ''

Now, we can create a new layout file called custom_radio_button.xml and add the following code:

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

       android:text="Option A"
       app:useMaterialThemeColors="true" />


Here, we have added a MaterialRadioButton widget to a RelativeLayout container. We have specified the ID of the radio button, the text to display, and the color of the button.

Next, we can add the following code to our file to display the custom radio button:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

   private MaterialRadioButton customRadioButton;

   protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

       customRadioButton = findViewById(;

Here, we have declared a variable called customRadioButton of type MaterialRadioButton. We have also used the findViewById method to locate the radio button in our layout file and assign it to our variable.


When we run our app, we should see a custom radio button with the text "Option A" and a custom color:

Custom Radio Button Output


Creating a custom radio button in Android Studio involves using the MaterialRadioButton widget from the Material Design library and customizing its properties to match the design of your app. In our example, we have specified the ID, text, and button color of the radio button in our XML layout file. We have also used the findViewById method in our Java code to locate the radio button and assign it to a variable.


Custom radio buttons can be used to present a list of mutually exclusive options to the user. They are often used in forms, quizzes, and surveys. By customizing the appearance of the radio button, you can create a more visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

Important Points

  • Custom radio buttons in Android Studio use the MaterialRadioButton widget from the Material Design library.
  • Customizing a radio button involves setting its ID, text, and button color in the XML layout file.
  • Radio buttons are often used to present a list of mutually exclusive options to the user.


In this tutorial, we have explored how to create a custom radio button in Android Studio. We have learned the syntax for creating a custom radio button, seen an example of how to display a custom radio button in our app, and discussed the use and importance of radio buttons in user interface design. With this knowledge, you can create more visually appealing and user-friendly forms, quizzes, and surveys in your Android apps.

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