  1. android-studio-intro-slider

Android Studio Introduction Slider


To add an introduction slider in your Android Studio project, you first need to add these dependencies to your app's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.smarteist:autoimageslider:x.x.x'

After adding these dependencies, you can start creating the introduction slider as follows:

  1. Create a new Activity and add the following elements to your layout file:
    android:layout_height="match_parent" />
  1. Create an adapter for the SliderView as follows:
public class SliderAdapter extends SliderViewAdapter<SliderAdapter.SliderViewHolder> {

    public SliderViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent) {
        View view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.slider_item_layout, parent, false);
        return new SliderViewHolder(view);

    public void onBindViewHolder(SliderViewHolder viewHolder, int position) {
        // Set the image for the slider at the current position

    public int getCount() {
        // Return the number of images in the slider
        return images.length;

    class SliderViewHolder extends SliderViewAdapter.ViewHolder {

        ImageView imageView;

        public SliderViewHolder(View itemView) {
            imageView = itemView.findViewById(;
  1. Set the adapter to the SliderView:
SliderView sliderView = findViewById(;
sliderView.setSliderAdapter(new SliderAdapter());


You can check out this example project for a complete implementation of an introduction slider in Android Studio.


The output for the introduction slider will be an image slider that displays a series of images or other content to introduce the user to your app.


An introduction slider is a great way to engage new users and introduce them to the key features of your app. Typically, an introduction slider will display a series of images or other content that showcases the app's main features, and provides a brief introduction to how the app works.

In Android Studio, you can create an introduction slider using the Smart ImageView library, which provides an easy-to-use slider view that you can customize to suit your needs.

To create an introduction slider, you will need to add the Smart ImageView dependency to your app's build.gradle file, create an adapter for the slider view, and set the adapter to the slider view in your app's activity.


Use an introduction slider in your app to:

  1. Showcase your app's main features
  2. Introduce new users to your app
  3. Increase engagement and user retention
  4. Provide a visual guide to your app's functionality

Important Points:

  1. Use high-quality images for your introduction slider to create a professional look and feel
  2. Limit the number of slides in your introduction slider to avoid overwhelming users
  3. Make sure your introduction slider is easy to navigate and simple to use
  4. Test your introduction slider with a variety of devices and screen sizes to ensure compatibility


In this tutorial, we showed you how to create an introduction slider in Android Studio using the Smart ImageView library. An introduction slider is a great way to engage new users and introduce them to the key features of your app, and can help increase engagement and user retention.

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