  1. tailwind-css-transition-timing-function

Tailwind CSS Transition Timing Function

The transition-timing-function class in Tailwind CSS allows you to specify the timing function used in CSS transitions. More precisely, it controls how the transition should happen over the defined duration.


Here's the basic syntax for using transition-timing-function class:

  • property - specifies which CSS property you want to apply the transition to in CamelCase (e.g. backgroundColor, opacity).
  • duration - specifies the duration time of the transition in milliseconds (e.g. 200ms, 0.5s).
  • timing-function - specifies the timing function to use for the transition (e.g. linear, ease-in-out, cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1)).
  • delay - specifies a delay time before the transition effect starts (e.g. 100ms).


Let's look at an example of using the transition-timing-function class in Tailwind CSS. In this example, we'll apply a transition to the background color of an element when hovering over it, with a duration of 300ms and an ease-in-out timing function.

<div class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-red-500 transition duration-300 ease-in-out">Hover Me!</div>


When you hover over the element, it will smoothly transition from blue to red over 300 milliseconds with an ease-in-out timing function.


The transition-timing-function class allows you to specify how the transition should happen between the start state and the end state. By default, it uses the ease value. In this example, we have used the ease-in-out timing function which applies a gradual acceleration at the beginning and a gradual deceleration at the end of the transition, making it feel more natural.


The transition-timing-function class is useful in making transitions look smoother and more organic, especially for interactive design or animation. By applying different timing functions, you can have more control over the feel of your transitions and create unique visual effects.

Important Points

  • The transition-timing-function class is used in combination with other transition-related classes (transition, duration, delay) to create smooth animations.
  • There are several timing functions available, such as linear, ease, ease-in, ease-out, and ease-in-out. Additionally, you can use custom timing functions with the cubic-bezier() function.
  • You can apply the transition-timing-function class to a specific CSS property or to all properties at once using the all keyword.
  • If you want to remove a transition effect, you can use the transition-none class.


The transition-timing-function class in Tailwind CSS provides a way to define the timing function used in CSS transitions. Using this class, you can make your transitions look smoother and more natural by specifying different timing functions. By combining with other transition-related classes, you can create unique visual effects and interactions.

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