  1. tailwind-css-border-style

Tailwind CSS Border Style

Border styles in Tailwind CSS are used to add or remove styles from the borders of an element. The custom border styles provided by Tailwind CSS include solid, dashed, dotted, double, none, and more.


The syntax for border styles in Tailwind CSS is:

  • <side?>: This is an optional parameter that represents the side of the element for which the border style should be applied. By default, the border style is applied to all sides of the element.

  • <size?>: This is an optional parameter that represents the size or thickness of the border.

  • <color?>: This is an optional parameter that represents the color of the border.

  • <style?>: This is an optional parameter that represents the style of the border, such as solid, dashed, dotted, etc.


<div class="border border-blue-500 border-dashed border-2 p-4">
  Example border style


The above code will produce a blue dashed border with a thickness of 2 pixels around the element.


The border class is used to specify that a border should be added to the element. The border-blue-500 class is used to set the color of the border to blue. The border-dashed class is used to set the style of the border to dashed. The border-2 class is used to set the thickness of the border to 2 pixels. The p-4 class is used to add a padding of 4 pixels to the element.


Border styles can be used to add visual appeal to the borders of an element, to separate different sections of a page, or to make certain elements stand out.

Important Points

  • The <side?> parameter can be either t for top, r for right, b for bottom, or l for left.

  • The <size?> parameter can be any number between 0 (no border) and 8 (thickest border).

  • The <color?> parameter can be any valid CSS color, including named colors, hexadecimal codes, RGB/RGBA, and HSL/HSLA.

  • The <style?> parameter can be solid, dashed, dotted, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, none, or hidden.


Border styles in Tailwind CSS provide a simple and flexible way to add and modify borders on an element. The syntax allows for precise control over the size, color, and style of the border. By utilizing the custom classes provided by Tailwind CSS, developers can quickly and easily add borders to their web pages that are visually appealing and functional.

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