  1. tailwind-css-max-width

Tailwind CSS Max-Width

The max-width utility property in Tailwind CSS sets the maximum width of an element. This can be useful for controlling the layout of elements or ensuring that content does not exceed a certain width.


The syntax for using the max-width utility in Tailwind CSS is:

<div class="max-w-{size}">

Here, {size} can be any valid size specified in the theme configuration or a custom size defined using the @tailwind directive.


Let's say we have a container that we want to limit to a maximum width of 800 pixels:

<div class="max-w-lg mx-auto px-4">

In this example, we use the max-w-lg utility to set the maximum width to a large size, and also center the container horizontally using the mx-auto utility. Additionally, we add some padding to the container using the px-4 utility.


The resulting CSS for the above example will be:

.max-w-lg {
  max-width: 32rem;


The max-w prefix is used in the class name to specify that this is a maximum width utility. The lg suffix specifies the size of the maximum width we want to use. In this case, lg represents a large size, which corresponds to a maximum width of 32rem.


The max-width utility can be used on any element that has a defined width or can shrink to fit its content. This includes containers, images, and text elements.

The max-w utility can be used in combination with other Tailwind CSS utility classes to achieve complex layouts and designs.

Important Points

  • The max-width utility sets the maximum width of an element.
  • {size} can be any valid size specified in the tailwind theme configuration or a custom size defined using the @tailwind directive.
  • The max-width utility can be used on containers, images, and text elements.
  • The max-w utility can be used in combination with other Tailwind CSS utility classes to achieve complex layouts and designs.


The max-width utility in Tailwind CSS is a useful tool for setting the maximum width of an element. It can be used to control the layout of containers, images, and text elements, and can be combined with other utility classes to achieve complex designs.

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