  1. tailwind-css-touch-action

Tailwind CSS Touch Action

The touch-action utility in Tailwind CSS allows you to specify how an element should respond when it is touched or dragged on a touchscreen device.


To set the touch-action property using Tailwind CSS, you can use the following classes:



Here is an example of using the touch-auto class to set the default touch action for an element:

<div class="touch-auto">
  <!-- Content goes here -->


The touch-auto class sets the touch-action property to auto. This means that the browser will decide which touch actions are appropriate based on the context of the element.


The touch-action property allows you to control how touch events are handled on an element. By default, most touch events are handled by the browser, but you may sometimes need to override this behavior to achieve a specific interaction.

Here are the possible values for the touch-action property, and what they do:

  • auto: The browser decides which touch actions are appropriate based on the context of the element.
  • none: No touch actions are allowed on the element.
  • pan-x: Only horizontal panning is allowed on the element.
  • pan-y: Only vertical panning is allowed on the element.
  • pan: Both horizontal and vertical panning are allowed on the element.
  • zoom: Zooming is allowed on the element.


The touch-action utility can be used to improve the user experience on touchscreen devices. By specifying the appropriate touch action, you can prevent unintended interactions and make it easier for users to perform the actions you want them to.

For example, you might use the touch-pan-x class on a slider element to ensure that only horizontal panning is allowed, making it easier for users to swipe through a series of images.

Important Points

  • The touch-action property only applies to touchscreen devices. It has no effect on desktop devices.
  • The touch-action value is inherited by child elements, unless overridden with a different value.


The touch-action utility in Tailwind CSS allows you to control how touch events are handled on an element. By specifying the appropriate touch action, you can make it easier for users to perform the actions you want them to on touchscreen devices.

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